Monster Hunter Fanpedia

Prologue: The Soldier's last call...[]

It was peaceful in the Aetherius region, aside from the fact that a soldier from Revalius was running. He was running from something, or rather, someone! someone dark, someone evil.

He stopped at the airship that his squad took a ride in to get here, and looked around. The Airship was destroyed, but one of the devices that came from Revalius' advance in technology was intact. It was a distress beacon.

The Soldier activated it, and hoped that someone would come, but it was too late for anyone to save him, as a humanoid  figure in Neon blue Fatalis armor  came from the shadows, and stabbed the soldier with a spear of solidified Zaphon.

The Figure then walked away, to find what it was hungering for. For it was time for it to feed.

Chapter 1: The Courier's message[]

Hurricurse woke up. and turned to see Kisisa, smiling.

"Good morning Hurricurse." She said.

Hurricurse smiled back. He was always glad when he saw Kisisa smile. They got up out of bed, and got themselves ready for a new day.

They put on their morning clothes, and went outside to see Arion, as well as their three new friends, Yuki, Terrak, who was now Arion's boyfriend, and Tiara, a Daimon who was the sister of Jaskir, another daimon.

There were also some of their monster friends as well.

Ignitus, the Teostra,  was now about to be a father, as his mate, Blaze the Lunastra, was pregnant, and back at Scorched volcano in their own nest. Hurricurse was happy for his old friend.

There was also Shadewing the Chaotic Gore Magala, who, sadly, due to not being able to shed properly, was now slowly dying on the inside. This did make Hurricurse sad, but he was determined to let Shadewing's last moments of life be the best.

Sparky, the Zinogre was also here, and was all grown up. He was glad to have Hurricurse and his friends as family, but something told Hurricurse that Sparky was a bit lonely on the inside.

The friends have talked the day away for a while, until someone came, a courier, with a message.

"I was looking for you Hurricurse!" The Courier said. "I Have a message from king Talos himself. He wants you and your team to come to his castle in Central city."

Hurricurse wondered what the King of Revalius would want, but he, Kisisa, Arion, Terrak, Yuki, and Tiara headed to Central city.

Chapter 2: The New Mission[]

The team were at Central City after riding by Aptonoth carriage, and were at the Palace, where they given a new mission by King Talos himself, but this mission was a special one.

"We lost contact with a group of our soldiers in the Aetherius region after we tracked a Splinter group of Ssi-ruvi there. We discovered a distress beacon coming from there that was activated by a lone soldier before he was killed. We suspect that the Ssi-ruvi are responsible. We want you six to go to the Aetherius Region, and find out what happened, and if there are survivors, lend them assistance."

Hurricurse had never been at the Aetherius region, mostly because the region had closed borders to the rest of the world due to "Strange events" that occur there. But perhaps that was changing. He wondered what monsters lived there.

Hurricurse was given a new Gore magala armor, minus the helmet to replace the Fatalis armor that he lost during his fight against Zaphon Prime, and was given a Dancing Flames longsword, which he liked the name of, while Kisisa was given a new Crimson Qurupeco armor, minus the helmet yet again, and a new Kelbi stingshot. Arion was given Rajang armor, and a Seregios gunlance. Yuki stuck with her wroggi armor and Crow-do light bowgun, while Tiara stuck with her usual Arm Cannon, but she made herself a special armor that she made to go with her arm cannon a while ago, so she decided to go with that. Terrak, Arion's boyfriend, was given a Jaggi armor, with Velociprey dual blades, since he was not well fit to carry anything heavier.

They were also given a special card each that would give them unrestricted access to the Aetherius region, once they got to the main road that lead to the region. Monsters, however, where given free access, so King Talos suggested that they could bring a monster friend of theirs or even two or more.

Hurricurse did have an idea who he would like to bring, but he would have to go to Scorched Volcano to ask the said monster.

Chapter 3: Finding a couple friends to bring....[]

When The team got ourt of Central city, and were heading to Scorched Volcano, They were stopped along the way by Sparky the Zinogre. He wanted to come to Aetherius, since that was where his family came from before they moved to Revalius. Sparky would have loved to be back to the place he was born, and besides, he might know a few of the "Locals".

Hurricurse did not have the heart to say no to Sparky, and let him come along. But when the team got to Scorched Volcano, they found Ignitus and Blaze, in their nest, and Ignitus, when asked about if he would like to come along, rplied.

Aetherius? Seriously? I would love to come with you, but....

Ignitus looked towards Blaze, and sighed, and then continued.

I just can't leave Blaze, not like this. I'm about to have a family you know, so I just can't leave.

Hurricurse nodded. "I understand. Having a family is a huge thing for anyone, human or monster, so its ok."

Ignitus smiled. It's a good thing I have a friend who understands as well as you do Hurricurse. Just remember to stay safe.

Hurricurse nodded, and the Team went to set off for the Aetherius Region. Sparky the Zinogre said he would gog ahead, and meet the team there.

The road to Aetherius would be a long one, so Hurricurse and the Team decided to pack their things, and prepare for the trip.

When the day to go had come, they met at the main road to Aetherius, where they showed their cards to the soldiers there, and then were given clearance to go to Aetherius.

When they finally crossed the border, they were at the first area of Aetherius, the Lunaria Ruins.

Chapter 4: The Lunaria Ruins[]

Lunaria Ruins was similar to Val Habar's Ancestral Steppe in climate and appearance, with the exception of the fact that the ruins were highly advanced, in terms of technology, as they were the ruins of a great race known as the Protokians.

They met up with Sparky the Zinogre here, and he seemed eager to explore, after all, this was his homeland, and he was glad to be here again.

The team had to go deep in the ruins, to go to the place where contact with the soldiers who came here was lost, but even with a map, this place was hard navigate. But they would not have to wander for long.

They saw what looked like a man made camp near a cavern, and decided to investigate. Sparky decided to stay at the entrance to wait for the team's return.

Inside the cavern was a network of caves, and there were indeed human bodies here, of the lost soldiers to be exact. Some were hanging from the cave ceiling in web cocoons made by the local Nerscyllas who were scavenging on the corpses.

deeper in the ruins was a large entrance to a large ruined labratory, presumably made by the Protokian long ago, but are now littered with the corpses of the soldiers.

But when the team entered, something strange, something unnatural began.

Chapter 5: Demons...Monsters![]

As Hurricurse and the rest went inside the labratory, they noticed a greenish aura materialize from the air, and start flowing in all the corpses of the Revalian soldiers.

The team was unnerved by this, but then, the corpses started to move, getting on their feet as if they were waking up from an endless sleep.

Hurricurse did not know what was going on, but then he sensed something inside those soldiers as they picked up their weapons.

It was Malice! These soldiers were being reanimated into practically zombies, with one will. The will to kill!


Metroid Prime 2 Echoes Music - Dark Galactic Federation Trooper Battle Theme

Dark Revalian soldier theme

"Ready your weapons everyone!" Hurricurse yelled.

And so everyone did. Kisisa began shooting the "Dark Soldiers" with her kelbi stingshot, Yuki shot the dark soldiers with her crow do light bowgun, and Tiara began shooting with her arm cannon.

Meanwhile, Arion, Terrak and Hurricurse began to take a more direct approach. Arion used her gunlance and fired shots into the dark soldiers as they came to range, and Terrak began slicing at the Dark soldiers with his dual blades, while Hurricurse did the same with his Longsword.

Fortunately, the Dark Soldiers were slow to respond to attacks, and were slow to move.

But unfortunately, for every dark soldier they slayed, there were more coming from the nearby rooms, each one moaning, groaning and growling like some beast from the depths of the underworld.

Hurricurse knew that, eventually, the Dark Soldiers would overwhelm the team if they did not do something, and fast!

Hurricurse turned into a Teostra, and ordered the team to find cover, and once everyone was in a sheltered area, He began to glow with a fiery aura, and once all the Dark Soldiers were concentrated on him, and were close enough, he used a "Supernova blast" to incinerate all the remaining Dark Soldiers.

The Rest of the team came out of their respective hiding spot after this, and saw all the dark soldiers, burnt to a crisp, and Hurricurse, back in human form, kneeling down, tired from his attack.

Kisisa and Arion helped Hurricurse up, and they would have headed back to the entrance, had Hurricurse not noticed something at the corner of his eye.

It was a humanoid figure, in neon blue Fatalis Armor, staring at an entrance to another room while floating in the air. It floated towards the entrance, and Hurricurse and the rest of the team decided to follow the figure.

When they did, the entrance closed behind them, and they saw the figure, and a bunch of Crystals that looked familiar to Hurricurse and Tiara.

They were Zaphon Crystals, or Zaphite, and the team saw the Figure leeching energy from the Zaphite, absorbing it through its body!

Hurricurse knew that this was just not natural, no creature on this world could possibly be able to feed on pure Zaphon without detrimental effects!

He was about to make a move when the figure turned and shot a sphere of Zaphon energy at the ground in front of him.

Hurricurse looked at the figure, and the figure seemed to stare at him, as if daring him to make a move.

But Hurricurse did feel something familiar about this creature, and spoke to it.

"Who or What are you?!"

The figure made a rather unnerving, almost maniacal laugh, before speaking through some sort of telepathy.

I am your shadow, Hurricurse!

The figure took of it's helmet, and what shocked Hurricurse and his team was that the figure looked almost like Hurricurse himself, aside from neon blue eyes, pitch black skin and vampire like teeth.

The figure then put its helmet back on, and sprouted Neon blue Rathalos like wings, and flew out of a large window nearby.

Hurricurse could not beleive what was going on. What are the chances of another being looking like Hurricurse?

"As I live and breathe." Arion said.

Kisisa saw Hurricurse looking down in a state of denial, and tried to cheer him up. "Come on Hurricurse, No matter how much that thing looks like you, you will always be the one and only Hurricurse."

Hearing Kisisa's voice seemed to cheer him up a little. "You are right. I am the one and only. But still, we might need to get to the bottom of this. Zombies, a "Dark Hurricurse", what could possibly be next?"

The team headed back to the entrance, and would try to explore Aetherius a little more. but first, they needed to find out what was going on.

As the team left, a hooded figure was watching from above a pipeline, with calculating, yet sinister eyes.

Chapter 6: Estrellian, Oh my![]

When the team had made it to the entrance, and to the outside, they met up with Sparky the Zinogre, and they told him what they saw.

Sparky could not beleive it.

A Dark Hurricurse? Seriously? That seems hard to beleive, but it does explain what I saw fly out of the ruins earlier. I just did not want to beleive my eyes.

Arion Had an idea though. "Maybe we can look for the Ssi-ruvi splinter group that the soldiers were chasing down, perhaps? If the Ssi-ruvi had come here, looking for Zaphon, then surely they had an encounter with Dark Hurricurse. Maybe they might know whats going on! It's just a hunch I have."

Hurricurse thought it was a brilliant idea. "But theres just one problem." He said. "The Ssi-ruvi won't give us the needed information willingly, and we don't know where to look!"

Tiara said that she could hack into their systems and get information that way, but then theres the problem of  finding the Ssi-ruvi.

But then, they heard a rustle in the nearby trees. They looked towards the source, and then, out of nowhere, a large, reptillian creature came out, and nearly caught Hurricurse with a pounce!

Everyone dodged to get out of the way, and saw what it was. It was an Estrellian! But why was it here?

Hurricurse would have to think about it later, since the Estrellian was on top of him, trying to pin him. But Sparky would have none of it!

Sparky actually pounced onto the Estrellian, much to her shock, but the fight that occured was a short one, since the Estrellian managed to pin Sparky to the ground, but this made a memory that Sparky had about a certain someone come about.

Cynder?! Sparky said.

The Estrellian stopped its assault, as if surprised.

Is it really you Cynder? Sparky asked.

The Estrellian responded. Who are you?

Sparky smiled. It's me, Sparky!

Then thats when a smile came on the Estrellian's face. The Estrellian, apparently Cynder shouted.

Whoah! IT is you Sparky!

The team had no idea what was going on, but Hurricurse and Kisisa came in between them.

"HEY! WHATS GOING ON HERE!?" Kisisa yelled.

Sparky was glad to explain.

Guys, this is Cynder, she is my friend!


Cynder the Estrellian

Sparky introduced Cynder to the team, and the team to Cynder.

"Glad to make your acquaintance." Hurricurse said.

Cynder smiled. Pleasure's all mine!

But Kisisa was a little confused about the situation. "Time out! Sparky knows Cynder, and Cynder knows Sparky, but Cynder tried to eat Hurricurse. And... Everyone's suddenly ok with this? AM I MISSING SOMETHING!?"

Sparky was unfazed. Relax Kisisa. She did not know you guys.

Cynder however, asked the team if she and Sparky could be alone for a while.

"Whatever she has to say, she can say it in front of us!" Tiara said. "Right Sparky?"

But Sparky smiled.

You should go.

This shocked Tiara a little. "It starts! Just when you thought you knew someone."

As the team left Sparky and Cynder alone for a while in the nearby forest, Sparky sighed.

Hurricurse and his team, you learn to love them.

But then Sparky saw Cynder come closer.

Cynder? Sparky asked to see if there was something wrong.

Cynder sighed.

You don't really know what it means to me to find you again Sparky. I really missed you.

Sparky smiled. Actually, I missed you too.

Cynder nudged Sparky, and Sparky nudged her back.

But Tiara did not like this one bit as she watched her old monster friend have his heart stolen by another friend.

Hurricurse sensed this and tried to cheer her up. "Come on Tiara, You know that Sparky is happy with Cynder, what could possibly be wrong with that?!"

Tiara sighed. "I feel like Cynder will be getting all the attention now that they found each other again. What if he forgets about me?"

Hurricurse smiled. "You can never forget who your friends are, human, alien, or monster. But I think someone is jealous."

Tiara perked up. "No, well I mean.." She stutterred.

Hurricurse stared at Tiara for a while. Tiara then confessed.

"Ok, I am a little jealous of Cynder. She was probally Sparky's friend for longer then me and Sparky have been, but I guess that it would not hurt to let Sparky and Cynder have their own time together. After all, You and Kisisa are a great couple, and you two were together for as long as you could remember."

Hurricurse patted Tiara on the back. "You should be happy for Sparky. He will always be your friend, he just has not forgotten about Cynder either."

Hurricurse walked away after that, and Tiara looked on.

He is right. Tiara thought to herself. I should be happy for Sparky.

But then, after a while, Sparky and Cynder called for the team. They came to where Sparky and Cynder were, and Cynder and Sparky told them the grim news that Cynder had, concerning her homeland in the Aetherius region.

Chapter 7: The Corruption of Malefica[]

Cynder explained why she was here in the first place.

I came to find help after my sister, Malefica, took control of the Beloved lands, or as you might call it, the Moonlit Prairies. She let the creatures you call the Ssi-ruvi control the Aetherius region. They have been looking for something they called "Zaphon", and the zaphon itself is destroying our home, there is little water, and even less food. 'And then I found you! Don't you understand? You and your team are our only chance!

Hurricurse understood all too well. He offered to help, if it meant defeating the Ssi-ruvi here in Aetherius, and helping Cynder's kind.

Cynder thanked Hurricurse, and offered to help them in any way she could, as long as they help her overthrow Malefica as well.

Hurricurse wondered why Cynder would want to overthrow her own sister. Cynder then explained how Malefica changed.

The Kindredship we had as sisters is long gone. She changed since the Zaphon started appearing in our home, along with the Ssi-ruvi. Malefica is not the sister I once knew. She threatens our own kind with death if they even try to resist the Ssi-ruvi, and she does not seem to care how many of us die from starvation. When I tried to convince her that she is leading us to our extinction, she chased me away from the only home I knew, and told me to never return again.

A tear seemed to come out of Cynder's eyes as she said this. Hurricurse realized how hurt that Cynder was to even be "Banished" by her own sister. It was unbearable to her.

The team, Sparky the Zinogre, ad Cynder the Estrellian decided to head towards the Moonlit Prairies, and help Cynder's kind restore order to the Aetherius region.

Chapter 8: The Ruined Moonlit Prairies[]

Cynder the Estrellian led the way to Moonlit Prairie, and after many days of trekking, the team saw the horror that Malefica had let happen.

The Moonlit Prairies was ruined, it was barren now, aside from the Ssi-ruvi ship that lied near a large ruin, and the large rock formation that Estrellians called "Queen's Rock".

There was very little water here, and the plants here were all dead. Sparky the Zinogre could not beleive his eyes. Cynder came to Sparky.

It's horrible, Isn't it? Cynder said. Ever since the Ssi-ruvi came here, the rain had stopped coming, and the herds have moved on. But Malefica would not let anyone leave here.

Hurricurse stepped in. "Well, Cynder, If your home is that important to you, even in this state, we will be with you until the end. Besides, The Ssi-ruvi had finally crossed the line by destroying this place."

Cynder smiled, and the team decided to make a plan of attack.

Hurricurse and his team would focus on the Ssi-ruvi, while Sparky and Cynder would take down Malefica.

Chapter 9: The Assault on the Ssi-ruvi[]

Hurricurse and his team sneaked near the Ssi-ruvi ship that was now made into a base. The Ssi-ruvi soldiers here were on patrol, and they seemed to have a few upgrades since Hurricurse last saw them. For one thing, the Soldiers seemed to have more advanced weapons for both melee and ranged combat.

But Hurricurse was not scared. After all, these Ssi-ruvi were surely not prepared for an assault from Hurricurse and his team.

Hurricurse took the form of a Deviljho, and charged in to get the Ssi-ruvi's attention, while Tiara, Arion, Terrak, Yuki, and Kisisa went in once the Ssi-ruvi Patrol was distracted.

Once Hurricurse had dispatched the Ssi-ruvi outside, he met up with the rest of the team.

"Alright, listen up, We need to drive the Ssi-ruvi off this region, and while we are at it, we need to find out if the Ssi-ruvi had any form of contact with "Dark Hurricurse". We can use all the info we can get." Hurricurse said.

The team decided to head deeper into the Base, and they saw many things. They saw crates full of zaphon, which helped confirm the fact that the Ssi-ruvi had found Zaphon here.

As they were heading towards the labratory, Hurricurse felt an all too familiar presence, and out of nowhere, a large energy sphere came out of nowhere, and caused rubble to come down, blocking the entrance to the labratory.

The team looked towards the source of the energy sphere, to see Dark Hurricurse! Dark Hurricurse then floated away, towards another room.

Hurricurse ran after Dark Hurricurse, and Kisisa and the rest of the team followed.

But as Hurricurse got to the room where Dark Hurricurse was in, Dark Hurricurse made a wall of Zaphon Crystals in front of the room's entrance, blocking Kisisa and the rest of the team's progress. Obviously, Dark Hurricurse wants to face Hurricurse alone.

Hurricurse prepared to battle, and Dark Hurricurse laughed his unnerving laugh.

Chapter 10: Hurricurse V.S. Dark Hurricurse[]

File:Mephiles-Theme (Phase 1)

Dark Hurricurse theme 1

Dark Hurricurse began his assault by sending energy balls of Zaphon energy at Hurricurse, in a rapid fire fashion. Hurricurse dodged the attack and rushed to attempt to slice Dark Hurricurse in half with his Dancing Flames longsword, but Dark Hurricurse dodged it quick, unnaturally quick.

Dark Hurricurse then began to glow blue, and summoned in a Zaphon blade that looked like a mockery of Hurricurse's Dancing Flames Longsword, and rushed to attempt to stab Hurricurse.

Hurricurse dodged, and then parried the next slash from Dark Hurricurse. They hacked and slashed and parried for a few minutes before Dark Hurricurse jumped into the air, and floated there, summoning in "Echo Images" of himself, sending them to rush at Hurricurse in a kamikaze like fashion. Hurricurse dodged each one, as the Echoes exploded into Zaphon energy.

That, however, bought Dark Hurricurse enough time to change form, into a Neon blue version of a Tigrex.

Hurricurse sighed. I should have known that he could do that. He thought to himself.

He then tuurned into a Brute Tigrex, and the two combatants rushed at each other, each in their respective Tigrex form.

Hurricurse made a Super Roar, which stunned Dark Hurricurse for a little bit, buying Hurricurse time to pounce on his doppelganger.

But Dark Hurricurse had another trick to play. He Made a blast of Zaphon energy, which sent Hurricurse away towards a wall. Hurricurse reverted to human form, and got back on his feet, to see Dark Hurricurse, in his normal form, charging up zaphon energy.

Hurricurse drew his Dancing Flames Longsword, and threw it towards Dark Hurricurse, and it managed to Stab him in the chest, causing a leak in Zaphon energy.

Dark Hurricurse groaned in pain, and he then exploded into Zaphon energy.

The Zaphon Crystals that blocked Kisisa and the other's passage to the room where Hurricurse was shattered, and They rushed to him.

They decided to move on, and left the base to find out how Sparky the Zinogre, and Cynder the Estrellian were doing.

Little did they know, a sphere of Zaphon energy was starting to form just as the group left.

Chapter 11: Sparky and Cynder confronts Malefica[]

While Hurricurse and His team were at the Ssi-ruvi base, Cynder the Estrellian was leading Sparky the Zinogre close to Queen's Rock, and will hopefully overthrow Malefica.

They came to a hiding spot, where they saw Malefica, a Dark Estrellian, standing over her subjects, and she did not look pleased.

Seralia! She roared.

Then an Estrellian, who was apparently Seralia, came to Malefica.

Cynder gasped at how beat up and weakened Seralia looked. Seralia was a friend of Cynder's, and the head of the Estrellian Kingdom's hunting party.

Yes Malefica? Seralia said.

Malefica roared. Where is the hunting party? They are not doing their job!

Seralia sighed. Malefica, there is no food, the herds have moved on...

Malefica roared yet again. You are probally not looking hard enough!

Seralia spoke up. Its over Malefica! We have one option left. We must leave Queen's Rock!

But Malefica roared back. We are not going anywhere!

Then you have sentenced us all to death! Seralia said.

So be it! Malefica growled.

Seralia was shocked. You can't do that! If you were half the queen that your mother was-

But then Malefica swiped her claws at Seralia, knocking her to the ground. I am more than TWICE the queen that mother was!

But Cynder and Sparky had enough! They came out of hiding, and confronted Malefica.

Stop right there sister! Cynder snarled.

Malefica was surprised. As Seralia limped away,  Malefica grinned.

Cynder, It is great to see you... alive. Malefica said with a bit of disgust. And who is the zinogre with you? Your boyfriend?

Cynder snarled. Sparky is with me. Now give us a good reason why we should not rip you apart!

Malefica decided to play coy. But you must understand the pressures of being a queen of this kingdom of ours!

Cynder was disgusted by this. The Kingdom is no longer yours.

Sparky agreed. You can either stand down or fight!

Malefica shuddered. Oooh, Must all this end in violence?

She then looked towards a Zaphon Crystal that happened to be near her position and looked back at Cynder and Sparky.

I would hate to be responsible for the death of a family member or even your boyfriend or quite possibly both.

She then moved towards the Zaphon Crystal, and tapped onto it. And then she began to glow neon blue.

On the other hand, what you are commiting now is treason. So it will very well be justified.

Cynder and Sparky wondered what was going on, until Malefica began to show signs of Zaphon Corruption, Blue glowing veins and eyes, and then she snarled.

I will kill you both, starting with Sparky right here!

Sparky prepared himself for battle, and Malefica charged towards Sparky.

Sparky had little time to dodge a Swipe from Malefica's claws, and was then pushed towards a rock wall by a Zaphon energy blast from Malefica. The impact stunned him, and this bought Malefica enough time to pounce onto Sparky, and pinned him.

Malefica then made a Bite onto Sparky's tail and threw him towards the a ciff edge with unnatural strength. Sparky was barely concious and near the edge, though not close enough to fall down.

As Sparky was about to get up, Malefica smacked him down with her tail, repeatedly. When the beat down had stopped for a temporary amount of time, Malefica snarled.

Is this a joke? You are a pathetic excuse for a zinogre Sparky! I am failing to see what Cynder sees in you.

Sparky tried to get up, and growled. But he was weakened by the beatdown. Malefica laughed.

Still determined eh? I like that! It is just too bad that you will have to die!

But Cynder, after seeing this for far too long, decided to stop standing around and decided to do something to save Sparky.

Cynder made a roar, and Star Butterflies, or what was left of them around here, started to gather around her.

Malefica noticed this, and saw Cynder heading towards her, Fully Charged with Star Butterflies, and Cynder had something to say.

You will not harm anyone any further Malefica!

But Malefica mockingly shuddered. Oooh, I am scared. So you finally stopped playing the pacifist sister?

Cynder Snarled. You have lost the right to call me sister a long time ago!

Malefica grinned. Careful Cynder, you seem to forget who you are dealing with, and that you are just one Estrellian.

Sparky the Zinogre, who was regaining his strength a little bit, had something to say.

Maybe so Malefica. But you seem to forget that she is not alone anymore. She has me!

Malefica turned around to see Sparky pounce onto her back, and bite onto her neck, and throw her towards a rock wall, and Cynder sent her Star Butterflies to distract Malefica, while she and Sparky attacked Malefica, together.

Malefica was unprepared for the combined forces of the monster couple, and was weakened. She tried to run, but when she did, she was greeted only by a Lightning bolt that lit up the dead grass, setting it on fire, making a barrier that she could not dare to go through.

When Malefica ran to another part of Queen's Rock, she was near an edge of a cliff, where Sparky and Cynder cornered her.

Cynder came towards Malefica. Malefica was actually showing signs of fear at this time.

What are you going to do? You are not going to kill me are you?

As much as Cynder wanted to do so, she decided against it.

No, Malefica. I'm not like you!

This did releive Malefica. Tell me what to do, and I will make it up to you!

But What Cynder had to say was anything but pleasant.

Run. Run away Malefica, and never return!

This did scare Malefica a little, but then she said something before reacting.

Yes. As you wish.... Your MAJESTY!

Malefica threw dirt into Cynder's eyes, blinding her, buying Malefica enough time to attempt to pounce onto Cynder, but Sparky intercepted and pounced onto Malefica, and pinned her.

What a dirty trick for you to play Malefica! Sparky said. He Then Bit down onto Malefica's neck and threw her off the cliff side, where she tumbled down where a fiery death waited below.

Sparky came to Cynder, who was recovering from the blindness. She heard the scream from her sister as she fell.

So it is done... Cynder said. My elder sister is no more.

Then, Hurricurse, in the guise of a Rathalos, with the rest of his team on his back, landed, and when Everyone was off his back, he reverted to human form.

"You don't sound happy about it Cynder." Hurricurse said.

Cynder looked towards Hurricurse.

Happy? No, I am not happy. Her reign of tyranny is over, but I can't celebrate, for she was my sister once. 'But I forget myself. Melancholy is an easy trap for my kind to fall into. I don't even know if I am ready to be the queen of the Estrellian kingdom.

Then Seralia came. She seemed to be glad that Cynder returned to overthrow Malefica, and she had something to say.

If you are not ready for the crown, no one will force you to be the queen. Seralia said. Its really your choice, not ours.

Seralia's words seemed to give Cynder some comfort. Sparky came to Cynder.

No matter what choice you make, I will always be with you Cynder. Sparky said.

This did cheer Cynder up more. As long as she had Sparky with her, She felt like she was ready for anything.

Cynder came to Seralia, and spoke.

Well, I guess I am ready after all.

Then the Rain came, after what felt like a life time to the Estrellian kind, and doused the flames that burned the prairies. Every Estrellian in the area felt like it was a sign. A sign of hopeand recovery.

Hurricurse and his team gave their goodbyes, and as they headed away from Queen's rock as, they noticed something unusual.

Chapter 12: The Will-o-wisp and the Cantios![]

The thing that was unusual was a neon blue "Will-o-wisp" that floated around the area that the team were at. Hurricurse sensed a familiar presence from it, a familiar, yet evil presence.

The Will-o-wisp then started to spin around until it took off to the east. No one in the team needed to know what Hurricurse was thinking, as he turned into a Rathalos, and once everyone was on his back, he took off to follow the Will-o-wisp in the sky.

Miles later....

The Team followed the Will-o-wisp to the swampy area of Aetherius known as Sulfur bog, and once everyone was on foot, Hurricurse led the team to a ruins area in the bog, where the Will-o-wisp was just floating near a statue. Then the willo wisp began to grow and change shape, and turned into a familiar entity: Dark Hurricurse!

Everyone was shocked!

"Did I not just kill you already?!" Hurricurse asked.

Dark Hurricurse laughed a cackle, and then dissaperated. As soon as Dark Hurricurse dissapeared, Hurricurse and his team realized that the dark entity was still at large.

What will it take to kill this thing for good? Hurricurse wondered. Dark Hurricurse is much worse than Goajiroth was!

But things in Suflur Bog was about to get even more interesting, since a large screaming call was heard as a large Wyvern, a fierce looking one that Hurricurse has never seen before, circled around before landing in front of the team!

While Hurricurse has not seen one of these wyverns, he knew what it was from reports in Revalius. It was a Cantios, but what was it doing here?!

The Cantios hissed for a bit, before it made a face that looked uncomftorabley like a human grin, like it knew who it was looking at!

Hurricurse! I knew I could sense your presence the moment you came to my territory! Before you ask, I have known about your existence since the end of the monster war in Revalius! The monsters here think of you as a hero! But I still have yet to see why you humans are so great!

Hurricurse knew what was going on, The Cantios' tone showed it was challenging him and his team! Ignitus the Teostra has told Hurricurse that the Cantios are a species that are always willing to fight any creature in it's turf, even after the Monster wars have ended. They were truly a hostile species!

The Cantios hissed again. So lets see what you and your team are made of!

The Cantios made a Scream like roar, and the battle for survival has begun!

Chapter 13: Team Hurricane V.S.  The Cantios[]

1-IMG 1711

Cantios, the Perfect Predator

Hurricurse turned into a Deviljho, and charged, and attempted to bite the Cantios in the neck, but the Cantios was quicker, and slashed Hurricurse in the side, sending him to the ground from the pain. Arion and Terrak went to help, but were swatted aside by the Cantios' mace like tail.

Tiara, Yuki, and Kisisa drew their Arm Cannon and Crow-Do Light Bowgun and Kelbi Stingshot Bow respectively and shot at the Cantios at range, but while it did distract it, this only put the Cantios further into bloodlust!

When Hurricurse saw the Cantios heading towards Kisisa, He turned into a Seregios, and shot a few blade scales at the Cantios' back! But the Cantios shrugged this move off as if it was nothing, before going back to Hurricurse.

Is that the best a shapeshifter like you can do Hurricurse?! Even with the help of your team? HA! I faced worse than you in my life, even the last Yian Garuga I faced fought better than you!

Hurricurse shrugged off this insult, but was desperately thinking of a way to defeat the Cantios. This Cantios was strong, sure, but even this creature has to have a weakness, everything does.

The Cantios came closer to Hurricurse, but before it could do more harm, a large shadow came about. The Cantios paused to look above to see what or who would dare to spoil it's battle.

That shadow came from a unusually large Gore Magala that was easily three times the size of the Cantios! The Gore Magala made it's wailing roar, and the Cantios was rather confused, for even it knew that Gore Magalas don't reach this large of a size before molting.

But Hurricurse could sense something in that Gore Magala, as if the Gore Magala had a familiar vibe to him. Hurricurse did not know why, but something was definitely off.

The Cantios, however, was not afraid! It made a roar of Challenge towards the Unusual Gore Magala, and charged!

The Gore Magala, however, was quick for it's size, and it grabbed the Cantios bt the neck with it's wing arms, and threw the Cantios towards a large tree, which snapped after the Cantios' impact.

The Cantios was about to get up when the Gore Magala was already on top of it, and stomped right onto the Cantios' neck, snapping it thereby killing the creature instantly! The gore Magala, the victor, gave out a victory screech of dominance.

After that, however, the Gore Magala actually did something that changed Hurricurse's outlook on things.

Chapter 14: Dawn's Appearance![]

The Gore Magala actually changed, not by molting, but it actually changed shape until the creature was replaced by a young woman with purple eyes and red hair, wearing red robes, but no shoes. This shocked everyone, especially Hurricurse!

Another Shapeshifter? Seriously?! No wonder why that Gore Magala seemed odd to me! Hurricurse thought to himself.

But then, that woman took something out of her robe's pocket, a Pure Frenzy Virus Crystal! Then she uttered something.

"And it all began with this! The Ultimate Virus of great power! A Virus that run through me as it does a Gore Magala!"

Hurricurse realized what she was saying! And to further the point, The Woman actually seemed to absorb all the power from the Frenzy Crystal, which then shattered into dust as all it's power was drained.

Hurricurse had to know what was going on! "Who are you?!"

This got the attention of the woman, who simply stared at Hurricurse before saying something that will keep rattling in Hurricurse's mind!

"I am Dawn! The Ultimate Female Lifeform!"

Hurricurse was shocked to hear such a title, and Dawn continued.

"Oh so you thought that YOU were the perfect lifeform Hurricurse?"

Hurricurse was shocked further. "How do you know me?!"

Dawn answered, "Because I hear from the monsters around here, who seem to think of you as a hero, of both humans and monsters! You brought peace between both groups in Revalius, but I think we both know better than to think it will last forever!"

Hurricurse did not know what Dawn was implying. "What are you saying?!"

"Don't play dumb with me Hurricurse!" Dawn said. "You have known of the savagery of the human race, just as I have! Yet you still bother to protect them! But let me be honest with you Hurricurse! Unlike you, I know of the true nature of the human race! They are savage, selfish and pathetic, and they don't deserve our help! Not after all the atrocities they comitted! They will eventually turn on you, since Humans are afraid of whatever they are unable to understand, and seek to destroy such things! So... why bother protecting them anyways! Think about it! I have unfinished buisness to attend to! Farewell!"

Before Hurricurse could say anything, Dawn took the form of a Rathian, and Took off heading further into Sulfur Bog!

Hurricurse was speechless! Why was Dawn so negative towards humans? There must be a reason!

Kisisa came to Hurricurse. "Hurricurse, you know that what she said is not true, right?"

Hurricurse smiled. "I know! But I feel like we are going to see Dawn again very soon. And I also feel like we don't know her story just yet."

Everyone agreed on this. They also needed to know what Dawn was up to. Now they had Dark Hurricurse and Dawn to worry about.

Fortunately though, a source of information relating to Dawn would come very soon.

Chapter 15: El Blanco's explanation....[]

A pure White Gore Magala came about from the forest nearby. Everyone prepared to fight if necassary, but the Phantom Gore Magala actually spoke.

No need for alarm. I am El Blanco, and I see you met Dawn just now. That foolish girl has always hated other humans because of the tragedy at Hiroshima Island, but other than that tragedy, she has no memory of her creation.

Hurricurse was interested. "What sort of tragedy, might I ask?"

El Blanco seemed to sigh a little, before answering.

Dawn witnessed one of the most horrific atrocity that Humans could ever do. The Murder of a sick child. You see, Dawn was friends with a young boy named Daniel, who was apparently dying from a deadly disease, and loved him like a brother. But a military group from another region came to Hiroshima Island to try to capture Dawn because of her power over Shapeshifting and the Frenzy Virus. Poor Dainel was only 12 years old at the time, and was shot. How horrible it must be to witness a friend be killed by another person. All Dawn could remember after that was her frenzied rage and hatred towards the soldiers that killed Daniel, and her eventual killing frenzy that followed. She eventually began to hate humans as a species afterwards, seeing them as a savage race that does not deserve to be helped in any way. It's such a sad thing, really. If only she could understand that not all humans are the same. I witnessed this tragedy myself as well, and tried reasoning with her, to help her put the past behind her, but she won't listen, or set her hatred aside.

Hurricurse then began to understand why Dawn was hateful towards humans. She has been through so much pain and sorrow. But that was no excuse for her to hate all humans as a whole.

But maybe Hurricurse could try reasoning with Dawn. He felt her pain once, so he will be able to help her. But he needs to know what Dawn was planning.

"What is Dawn up to now?" Hurricurse asked.

El Blanco answered, but what he had to say was anything but good.

Dawn is determined to help the Ssi-ruvi end the existence of the humans, just to see the Human race go extinct. But I think the Ssi-ruvi are using her as a tool. A puppet! And I fear that, once she served her purpose, the Ssi-Ruvi will "Cut her Strings", to use a human term. She is gathering seven objects in Revalius and Aetherius known as the "Spirit Gems"! She already has the four from Revalius, but she is know looking for the three here in Revalius.

Hurricurse was confused. "Spirit Gems? What are those? I never heard of them."

El Blanco was willing to explain. They are Jewels of great power, with untold arcane energy. There are seven in total. They were scattered across Revalius and Aetherius, but if the Ssi-ruvi get their foul hands on them, they will gain untold power.

Hurricurse then realized the danger. "Well, then we better stop them before that happens! Where is Dawn heading?"

El Blanco answered. She is heading to the area known as Wispfall Forest. If you hurry, you and your team will catch up to Dawn.

Hurricurse and his team needed no further motivation, and they decided to head to Wispfall Forest, which was only a few miles south from here in Sulfur Bog.

Chapter 16: Dark Hurricurse's new reign over the Ssi-ruvi[]

Meanwhile, in the Ssi-ruvi base in Hiroshima Island, where Dawn was created, the Ssi-Ruvi were gaining a lot of Zaphon substance from their operations, and with the Four Spirit Gems that Dawn gave them, they were almost ready to complete their new weapon, the "Eclipse Cannon", which would be able to destroy an entire city, wiping it off the face of the planet. But to power such a weapon, they needed all seven Spirit Gems.

But their operations were interrupted, when the entity, Dark Hurricurse, appeared out of no where from deep inside the base. The Ssi-Ruvi tried to subdue the creature, but the entity had a trick to play. It used it's power over Zaphon to make a wave of Zaphon energy to affect the minds of every Ssi-Ruvi in the facility.

They were now under Dark Hurricurse's Control, and they began the one order the entity gave as a first orrder of buisness. That order was to find the Spirit Gems on their own, and modify the Eclipse Cannon to spread Zaphon all over the Planet, so all living beings will kneel before their "Master of Zaphon".

Chapter 17: Dawn's Realization...[]

Hurricurse and his team managed to get to Wispfall Forest, and they decided to look inside a peculiar ruin that they saw Dawn recently go into, and try to convince her to work against the Ssi-ruvi, since they did not see Dawn as the enemy, but rather, as a confused and lost person.

When they entered the ruins, they saw that Dawn had Three Gems of peculiar looks.

Those must be Spirit Gems! Hurricurse thought to himself. I better work fast.

He ordered his team to stay back this time, and told him that he would talk to Dawn.

When he began to approach, he was startled when Dawn spoke.

"You again Hurricurse? Of all the places!" She said.

Hurricurse then spoke. "I know your pain Dawn. El Blanco Told us!"

Dwn was silent for a bit before speaking in disgust. "I knew I should never have trusted him to keep a secret."

Hurricurse continued. "I know that you think that humans are savage and selfish. Trust me, I felt the same way when Liniar was killed right in front of my eyes." He never thought he would say Liniar's name again at this time.

Dawn stared for a bit. "Then why help the one species that killed your friend then?"

Hurricurse was glad to answer. "Because I knew that not all humans are as bad as you seem to think of them as! As Selfish as a lot of people are, there are also good people, and innocents that had nothing to do with the sin you witnessed. The Ssi-Ruvi you are working for are using your ill found hatred against you! They will destroy every human, even the innocents! Are you going to let people who did nothing wrong suffer because of your inner anger? Do you realize how much of a monster you would become if you let that happen? Would Daniel have wanted you to kill innocents?"

Dawn was angry, but then, she realized that Hurricurse was right! Hurricurse saw something go down Dawn's eyes.

They were Tears! Dawn realized she was wrong the moment she joined the Ssi-ruvi!

"I am sorry... Daniel." She whispered under her breath. Dawn realized that Daniel would never wanted her to become a vengeful person.

She then looked to Hurricurse, who approached her and patted her on the back. Dawn spoke. "Hurricurse... Thank you."

But the moment was cut short, since a bunch of Ssi-Ruvi soldiers came and used stun shots to stun Hurricurse, and they held Hurricurse's Friends Hostage after they disarmed them, and the Captain of the force came to Hurricurse's paralyzed body and smiled.

"Hurricurse... It is about time that we managed to do something no other creature could do! And that is to defeat you! You were a defected product the moment you were created, and now our master will be pleased when we deliver him your severed head!"

Hurricurse was confused. "Master? I do not recall you Ssi-ruvi splinter groups having a master other than your "Lord" who abandoned you the moment you failed during the first invasion!"

But then a familiar voice came about. "Did you forget about me already Hurricurse?"

Then a dark blue portal came about and Dark Hurricurse came out. The Portal dissappeared, and Dark Hurricurse laughed, and made a gesture that caused the Spirit Gems in Dawn's hands to go into his.

"The Spirit Gems... The ultimate power in the ultimate jewel! Now with the modified Eclipse Canon, that power will spread Zaphon all over the world, and all living things will kneel before me!"

Dark Hurricurse gave the three gems to a soldier who mad his way with an escort to a ship, and they took the ship to fly to Hiroshima Island. Dark Hurricurse then looked at Hurricurse.

"But first, I have buisness to attend to. Hurricurse, you shall die now!"

But Dawn would have none of it! She turned into a Great Maccau and kicked Dark Hurricurse away as he was about to drive his "Dark Katana" into Hurricurse.

When Dark Hurricurse got up and looked at Dawn, who reverted, the Ssi-ruvi soldiers nearby shouted.

"Dawn has betrayed us! Orders, Master?"

Chapter 18: Dawn's Vow![]

Dark Hurricurse told the Ssi-ruvi to stand by, and walked towards Dawn.

"You betrayed your higher ups Dawn! You know the price of betrayal!"


Throw It All Away by Everett Bradley (Theme of Shadow)

Dawn's Battle Theme- throw it all away!

Dawn scoffed at this. "Then the Ssi Ruvi forgot one thing about me! I don't take orders, especially from the likes of you! I realize now what I should do to make ammends to the human race!"

But Dark Hurricurse then tried to manipulate Dawn. "But the Humans will eventually find you as a threat, since they don't like things that are more powerful than them! So why bother to help them if they become your enemy? And besides, you can't fight the ultimate power that is Zaphon with your Limited power and Frenzy control!"

"If the whole planet decides to be my enemy..." Dawn said. "then I will keep fighting, like I always have... for Daniel!"

Hurricurse was regaining his mobility, and could not help but smile.

Dark Hurricurse, dissapointed that Dawn did not reconsider her position in the matter, ordered the Ssi-ruvi soldiers to "terminate" Dawn, and dissapeared in a Bluish black portal.

The Ssi-ruvi soldiers started to fire their shots, turning them from stun to leathal force. But before the shots could hit her, Dawn began to glow purple, and the shots just bounced off her skin, and Dawn made her way to the soldiers, and then a Sphere of Frenzy energy surrounded her, and then, she made her own "Frenzy Blast" that sent the Ssi-ruvi soldiers flying, killing them within impact of the blast.

The Ssi-ruvi that held Hurricurse's friends hostage "saw the writing on the wall", to use a human term, and fled, but not after they were each killed individually by Dawn's "Frenzy Spears".

Hurricurse was amazed by Dawn's power over the Frenzy. Her mastery over it is like the Kushala Daora's complete mastery over the wind! She is a magnificent specimen, or was that an understatement?

Dawn then came to Hurricurse. "We still have work to do, I hope you are aware of that! We need to stop Dark Hurricurse, or the whole world will be corrupted by his Zaphon!"

Hurricurse Needed no further goading. "And it looks like we will all have to work together in order to beat that freakish doppelganger once and for all!"

Everyone in the team agreed.

Dawn then spoke. "If my gut tells me truth, then the Ssi-ruvi and that Dark Hurricurse are heading to Hiroshima Island! Where I was....."

Dawn was not willing to bring up the subject, but Hurricurse understood. And he gave some advice to Dawn. "Just remember, Only you decide how to use your power, be it for good or evil."

Dawn took those words to heart. Then the team headed to Hiroshima Island as quickly as possible, with Dawn leading the way, since only she knew it's location.

Chapter 19: Jaskir on Hiroshima Island, and the "Queen Gem"[]

In the skies, Hurricurse, in Rathalos form, had his team on his back, while he followed Dawn, in Rathian form, to the location that Hiroshima Island was. They knew they would have to work together to defeat Dark Hurricurse and stop his plans from bearing fruit. They managed, after a few miles of flying, find Hiroshima Island. There, The Ssi-ruvi Splinter  group, or what was left of them on the planet, were waiting for the team.

But before the Ssi-ruvi soldiers could react, they were blasted to oblivion by a great sphere of Dragon element energy from above.

This confused Hurricurse, his friends and Dawn, until they saw a Rathalos like creature, a Rathalos-Sin, come to the shore, but it was not your typical wyvern, for it changed into a familiar alien form that everyone in the team (Dawn not included) knew well.

When everyone landed, Tiara was overjoyed. "Jaskir! You are back brother!"

She rushed to Jaskir, and they hugged each other for a bit. Hurricurse was amazed yet again about Jaskir, not because he had not seen Jaskir for a long time, but because of his ability to change form.

"Viper?" Hurricurse said. "You never told me you could change form like me!"

Jaskir, also known as the Viper, laughed. "I can only change into what you call a Rathalos-Sin, since that is my "Spirit Beast", just like my Sister's. That also explains why I look a bit like one."

Dawn was confused. "Friend of yours?" She asked Hurricurse.

Hurricurse nodded. "A very old one!"

Jaskir was interested in Dawn. "Who is the female with the purple eyes and red hair?" Jaskir asked.

Hurricurse introduced Dawn to Jaskir, and Jaskir was pleased to meet her, and offered his company.

Dawn scoffed at this. "If you are trying to woo me, then you are wasting your time!" She said.

Jaskir did not mind this answer. But then he said something. "Well, I assume you are here on Hiroshima Island for a reason? I brought the Queen's Gem here because I had gotten reports of the Spirit Gems being in the hands of the Ssi-ruvi."

Hurricurse asked about the Queen's Gem. Jaskir explained. "The Queen's Gem is the "Master" of the Spirit Gems, and is able to cancel out the powers of the seven Spirit Gems. That makes it extremely powerful. Because you know how the legendary tale goes around here:

"The Servers are the seven Spirits, with power enriched by the heart and soul. And the Queen of the Gems is the master that unified the Spirits." Lovely thing to listen to is it not?"

Hurricurse then explained why they were here, and Jaskir was shocked to hear of a "Dark Hurricurse", and it's plans.

Jaskir offered his help, which the team accepted, and they headed to the Ssi-ruvi base on Hiroshima Island.

Chapter 20: Stopping Dark Hurricurse and the Zaphon Eclipse Cannon![]

Hurricurse ordered the team to stay behind while He, Jaskir and Dawn went inside. He came to Kisisa, and promised to come back safely. They kissed, and then Hurricurse, Dawn and Jaskir went into the base.

When the Trio of heroes got deep into the base, where there was a large circular dome like room with a large daimond spike shaped pillar, they were about to go to the newly upgraded Eclipse Cannon when Dark Hurricurse made a Zaphon Wall to stop them from getting to the cannon.

"You have gotten far Hurricurse, but now we must end this! Prepare to die alongside the light of everything you knew!"

Jaskir and Dawn were about to get ready when Hurricurse told them to stand by. "This is my fight! I will end this! I will know when to require your help, but for now, he is mine!"

Dark Hurricurse cackled, and Hurricurse drew his Dancing Flames Longsword, and Dark Hurricurse changed into a large, Gecko-Najarala Hybrid like creature of Zaphon, with wires arounf his back! This was "Dark Biohazard" now!

File:Boss - Biolizard - Sonic Adventure 2 Music Extended

Dark Biohazard Theme

Hurricurse rushed to swipe his longsword at the creature, but the skin was resistant to the cuts he made! Dark Biohazard then made a green flame like mass around him and "Will-o-wisps" reanimated nearby dead Ssi-ruvi soldiers.

Guess that explains the dark troopers we fought during our arrival to Aetherius! Hurricurse thought to himself.

Hurricurse then turned into a Rathalos and eliminated the "Dark Ruvis" and then turned his attention to Dark Biohazard. He realized after a while that every time Dark Biohazard made a strong attack, he had to absorb extra energy from the Zaphon Crystal on his back via his wires! It was like a sort of Life support system!

This gave Hurricurse a plan. He, while still in Rathalos form, fired a fireball into the Zaphon Crystal, and obliderated it. Which sent Dark Biohazard into pain, and then, he dissapeared in a blue flash.

Jaskir, after he wiped his eyes spoke. "Is it gone?"

But the wondering would have to wait. The Zaphon wall that blocked their path to the controls of the Eclipse cannon was gone, and Jaskir set the Queen Gem to the front of the area the Spirit Gems were held.

He then spoke to the Queen Gem.

"Queen Gem, you are the only one who can stop the Spirit Gems and therefor the doom of this world. Stop the Gems' power and save us all!"

Then the Queens Gem began to glow, and the Spirit Gems glowed as well and broke out of their containers in the cannon and surrounded the Queen's gem.

But it was not a victory just yet! A digital voice spoke.

Zaphon Eclipse program initiating!

Jaskir was shocked. "If we stopped the Spirit Gems, then why is the cannon about to fire?!"

Dawn then shouted to tell Jaskir and Hurricurse to look at the pillar, as a large Zaphon entity that looked like a Draconic monster version of Dark Hurricurse appeared around it, taking the Eclipse cannon underneath it to it's chest.

"Dark Hurricurse is determined to cause the doomsday! It has become one with the Cannon!"

Jaskir shouted. "Hurricurse! What do we do now?!"

Hurricurse smiled. "This is were the fun really begins!"

The trio then prepared to battle "Dark Overlord" and the fight for the planet begins!

Hurricurse, Jaskir and Dawn V.S. Dark Overlord![]


What I'm Made Of by Crush 40 - Last Boss Ver. 2 Metal Overlord (from Sonic Heroes)

Dark Overlord Theme

Hurricurse took the form of a Teostra, while Dawn took the form of a Gore Magala, and Jaskir, his Rathalos-Sin form, and prepared to battle Dark Overlord.

Dark Overlord cackled. "Now we see who is the true perfect lifeform Hurricurse!"

Hurricurse smiled. "Very well, the last "Hurricurse" standing will be the winner!"

Dark Overlord cackled once more. "You know this universe is not big enough for both of us, and one of us will have to go, since there can only be one Hurricurse!"

Hurricurse Shouted. "I agree!"

Hurricurse breathed fire at the Dark Overlord, while Dawn fired Frenzy shots at it, and Jaskir his Dragon Spheres. All the time they attack only angered the Dark Overlord further! 

The Dark Overlord then fired his own "Zaphon Beam" at the trio. While they did dodge in time, they knew that it wasonly a matter of time before they would be outclassed.

Jaskir then began to harrass the Dark Overlord, clawing at his head. Dawn then used the time to fire frenzy at the cannon on the Dark Overlord's chest, as did Hurricurse with his flamebreath.

This began to overheat the Eclipse Cannon, and this gave Hurricurse one last Idea!

He began to close in on the Dark Overlord and Made a Supernova blast, making the Cannon go to "Critical Mass", which caused it to explode in the Dark Overlord's Chest, Causing him tremendous pain.

"You may have prevented the Doom of the planet via the Eclipse cannon, but you won't leave alive! You will die with me and this Island!" Dark Overlord said.

Dark Overlord then began to glow a bright neon blue, as electrical charges surged around him. He was about to explode the whole area!

The trio reverted and ran out the base, in time to get the rest of the team out of the island before a huge explosion took the island. Hurricurse, as he was flying in Rathalos form with the team on his back, he could have heard a scream of denial from Dark Overlaord, as his last ditch attempt to kill Hurricurse failed.

Epilogue: Dawn's acceptance into Revalius and a surprise for Hurricurse[]

When the team, Dawn and Jaskir went to Revalius to celebrate their new victory, Dawn was accepted into Revalian society after a few days, Sparky the Zinogre had returned to Revalius, bringing Cynder the Estrellian with him, and Ignitus, the Teostra, came to Hurricurse and Kisisa. He had a surprise to tell them.

To use a human term, the "Stork" has landed.

Hurricurse and Kisisa knew what this meant, and they followed Ignitus to Scorched Volcano, to Ignitus and Blaze's den, where they saw Blaze, with a newborn Lunastra cuddled up to her mother.

2ndGen-Lunastra Render 001

Blaze the Lunastra, now a dedicated mother...

Hurricurse smiled, and a tear came to his eye.

I saw that Hurricurse! Blaze said.

Hurricurse was about to deny it, but then he said. "Ok, so I am not as thick skinned as a Gravios. but did you decide on a name?"

Blaze smiled at Ignitus, and Ignitus spoke.

We did... How does Bella sound?

Hurricurse could not have agreed on a better name. And soon, Hurricurse and Kisisa returned home, to plan for their future.

Up Next:[]

Monster Hunter: Story of Dawn (coming soon!)
