Monster Hunter Fanpedia


Coruko is a new bird wyvern that first appears in Monster Hunter Forward


Corku is a medium sized bird wyvern that is completely white in color.It has blood red rings around it eyes and bright red feathers on its tail.It beak has many curved teeth that it uses to catch bees.Its resembles the Egyptian Vulture in shape.


Corku is normally calm and friendly although surprisingly aggressive and ferocious when cornered.It is very intelligent compared to other bird wyverns.It is always found living near an Arzuros which finds beehives for it in exchange for help in battles.When a beehive is found the Arzuros eats the honey and the Coruko feeds on the bees.


  • Coruko has the same theme as the fanged beast theme..
  • Coruko can combo its attacks with Arzuros.Such moves are gliding with arzuros holding its legs,then the Coruko will throw the Arzuros at the hunter.
  • Coruko has a very strong relationship with the Arzuros it companies and is always fought alongside it.If it dies,Coruko will enter fury mode until it dies.
  • Coruko was inspired from the relation between the Honeyguide and the Honeybear.